
Changes to NCEA 2020

June 4, 2020

Students working towards NCEA can gain additional credits, based on the number of credits they achieve during the 2020 school…

NHS - 2019 NCEA and UE Results

June 4, 2020

Ngaruawahia High School is pleased to announce our confirmed results for 2019 in NCEA and University Entrance.

Student Exchange Promo 2021

June 4, 2020

Promotional Flyer: Are you interested in going on a student exchange in 2021? Attend one of our upcoming free online information…

Level 3 Lockdown Policy - Children of Essential Workers

April 21, 2020

Year 9 and 10 students who can stay home should do so. Schools will only be open for Year 9 and 10 students whose parents…

National Youth Advisory Group - Tommy Goodwyn-Archer

April 21, 2020

Kia ora whanau
In December I spent a few days in Auckland for the yearly National Youth Advisory Group camp. On this…

Anna Fonua-Haggie Silver Medalist

April 21, 2020

Congratulations to Anna Fonua-Haggie who won a silver meal in the womans' international single sculls at the North Island…

Background of the Waka Hourua

April 21, 2020

For our school house groups, we have decided to identify with four waka hourua. Read on to learn more about them...

NHS Hosts Regional Sticks n Stones Event

April 21, 2020

On Tuesday the 10th March our school proudly hosted the first Waikato Stick n Stones Activator Event, we had students from…

Young Enterprise Kickstart Event

April 21, 2020

Our Level 2 & 3 Business Studies students are participating in the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) this year. This gives them…

House Points Update - 21 April 2020

April 21, 2020

Capture the Flag results: 1st Hinemoana 25pts, 2nd Te Matau a Maui 20pts, 3rd Marumaruatua 15pts, 4th Haunui 10pts

House Leaders 2020

April 21, 2020

Kia ora Whaanau,
For 2020 we are bringing back Houses, as a staff we have chosen Waka Hourua’s there will be a variety…

DNA Modeling in Year 10 Science

April 21, 2020

At the end of our Genetics topic last term, the year 10’s had one 40 minute lesson to create a model of DNA. It was definitely…

Headz Up Training - Head Students

April 20, 2020

On Wednesday, 26 February, Whaea Eliza took Te, Soul and I to Waikato University to get some training and learn how to be…

Level 3 Lockdown Policy for Children of Essential Workers

April 17, 2020

Year 9 and 10 students who can stay home should do so. Schools will only be open for Year 9 and 10 students whose parents…

Community House Veggies and Budgeting Advice During Lockdown

April 17, 2020

The Ngaruawahia Community House is still providing weekly veg boxes. The cost and how to order is on our Facebook page…;

Welcome to Jatin Bali Our New DP

April 17, 2020

Hello, my name is Jatin Bali and I am very excited and honoured to have been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal…

Welcome to Marilize du Plessis

April 14, 2020

My name is Marilize du Plessis and I am excited to join NHS as a mathematics teacher. I have been a day reliever at NHS…

Our New Librarian - Gemma Helleur

April 14, 2020

Kia ora, my name is Gemma and I’m the new School Librarian at Ngaruawahia High School. For the past three and a half years…

NHS Touch Team

March 2, 2020

Our touch team was a group of 15 players including Ngawi, Jewels, TakuAroha, Tiare, Kitana, Kahu, Mihi, Leilarne, Teira,…

2020 NHS Head Students

March 2, 2020

Aomi Irani, Tommy Goodwyn-Archer and Te Oranga Herangi ...