2020 NHS Head Students

Aomi Irani, Tommy Goodwyn-Archer and Te Oranga Herangi ...

Hi! I’m Aomi. It is a great privilege to be one of the Head Students for 2020. I am happy to be working alongside Tommy and Te. There are a lot of ideas I have that I would like to bring to our kura. I am a creative and friendly person - feel free to have a chat with me :) One goal I would like to achieve within this role is to create a Culture Group where staff and students can learn about each others’ cultures and build diversity within the kura. I look forward to executing many things within this role that will help me build my confidence and a clear path for my future.


Hey, I’m Tommy! My goal as headstudent is to create a bond with the students of our school. I want to be a part of changing the school and bring my ideas in so the students can enjoy their experience here. I am a fun, light, humorous person and love to make jokes but I am also mature when I need to be. My hobbies are playing golf, snowboarding, skateboarding and being outdoors. I am a confident person and becoming head student will show the school the best I can be.


Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Taupiri te Maunga
Ko Kawhia te Moana
Ko Waikato te Awa
Ko Ngaati Mahuta raaua ko Ngaati Te Ata ngaa iwi
Ko Ngaati Pukeko te hapuu
Ko Tuurangawaewae te Marae
Ko Pootatau Te Wherowhero te tangata
Ko Te Oranga Wairua Herangi aahau

Hi, I’m Te Oranga Herangi, one of the three head students. I’m so honored and humbled to be gifted with this position and privilege. I am really thankful to be working alongside some of my best friends; Aomi Irani and Tommy Goodwyn-Archer. My hobbies consist of running, boxing, bjj and all things fitness. What I hope to accomplish at the end of this year is to be able to pick one of my two major interests which are Electrical Engineering and being a police officer. I hope to accomplish a lot of things but in particular a whaikorero competition between Huntly College and Ngaruawahia High as well as a debating team. I want to start a new alliance between our two schools and help our schools achieve their goals. I want to make sure that they achieve what they put their minds to.