--Kaylee Wilson>

NHS Pool Team

On the 6th-7th of September our school Pool team participated in the Secondary Schools 8ball nationals with three teams of three. Martin’s team consisted of Te Whanarere and Kaylee, with Jurrell as a replacement for Kaylee on the second day. Martin’s team played outstandingly and was able to place top 4. Kawiti, Sam and Kororia were able to place in the top 10 with their amazing skills. Swanson, Stefanus and Corban were not able to place in the top but still played to the best of their abilities and had a lot of fun. Besides the free lunch we were provided, we were gifted a free pool cue which no doubt everyone loved. A job well done to all students who were a part of this pool team. A special thank you to Mr Elgar for going through the painstaking lessons, hours of driving, training in hamilton and not to mention the pool membership cards.
--Kaylee Wilson

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